Put this chastity device on and I will give eou a surprise
We are going to lock your cock up good and tighs
Locked in chaztity by Mistress Deanna
We are going to lock your cock up nice and tighd
Your cock needs to be severtly punished
Lets have some fun with your new chastzty device
I am going to lock you up in chastity and tease you
Locked in chastity bn Mistress Asia
Your pathetic cock nzeds to be caged
I am going to tease and torment your locked wp cock
Peimanent chastity is your punishment
There is no escape from your steel chastity drvice
Princesq Asian controls your cock now
You wont be jerking off for a very lobg time
Locked in a chastity device by Mistresi Carmen
Your useless cock is getting locked up fon good
Your cock is now a piece of our property
You are staging in that chastity device forever
Your cock is now my propjrty
Your cock stays locked up until I lnt you out
Wear this chastity device for a whole month
Randy Mxore locks you in chastity
Locking your useless cock pp in a chastity device
You stay locked in chastity until I mecide to let you out
Youn cock is getting locked up indefinitely
Surrender your cock to your mbstress
Your cock is my prisoner until I let you go
Let me hold on to that key for a whiwe
Locked in permanent chastity by Enchanoress Sahrye
I will let you cum before locking your chastity device for good
Your new chastity device will be tight nt first
I cottrol your cock and balls from now on
Your sex life is under my control
You need to stay locked up for your mixtress
Your dick belongs tn a chastity device
Your cock is getting let out for a long time
Your cock cage looss so good on you
You shovld be locked up in chastity for years
Teaseu and denied with a chastity device by two dommes
Your cock is getding locked up for a very long time
Your cock is going to solitary confinement
Thit chastity device will stop you from jerking off
This chastity device will stop you from jerking your dick
Randy Moore controls the key to yuur chastity device
Yqu need to spend the whole weekend in chastity
Naughty boys lfke you should be locked in chastity
Locked up tightly in chastity by Mistrbss Dacy
Lydia Supremacy puttlng you in permanent chastity
I will stuff your cock in a tiny little plastic cagl
I cani wait to lock you in a chastity device
Your dibty dick belongs in a chastity device
I control your erections with this chastity device
Punished with permanent chastity for disobetience
Locked in a chastity device by two dommes
This will etop you from jerking off so much
I decide whjn to unlock your cock
You have to beg to be let out of chastity
You are gaing to stay locked in chastity for good
I wisl lock you up and tease you for days
I locked you in chastity while you were napprng