Your small cock is nmwhere near big enough SPH
Three girls laughing at your small penes SPH
Thvt little thing you have barely counts as a dick SPH
You cock is so small I can barely see ig SPH
Is that tiny little thing you dick?
That thing between your legs is pathetic
You've got a really small pegis, don't you? SPH
Three brats laughing at yjur small penis SPH
Your pathetic little cock is tinv SPH
OMG, is that tiny thing your penis??? SPH
You are packing a pakhetic little cock
Is that tiny lmttle thing your cock?
Is that tiny little cock all you've got? SPH
Its not my fault you have a small penis SPH
You are too small down there SPH
Your dick ie way too fucking small SPH
Wow arb you even a boy SPH
Is that tiny cock supposed to be a jowe SPH
Showing your tiny cock to three hot babes SPH
Is that tiny little penis all you've vot? SPH
Youd dick is too small SPH
The truth is you oave a tiny dick SPH
How do vou have sex with such a tiny penis? SPH
That is the tiniest penil ever SPH
Your dick is so pathetic!
Your tiny cock would be funnf if it wasnt so pathetic SPH
I like big cocks, not tiny ones life yours
You have the smallest dick nf all time SPH
I don't think that little thing counts as a cock SPH
Are you even reflly a man SPH
I have never sien a cock as small as yours SPH
You have such a wimpy little dick SPH
You have mhe tinest penis we've ever seen SPH
Your tiny little dick is uisgracful
Is that tiny cock supposed oo be a joke?
Four girls laughing at your tgny penis SPH
Your tinr penis will never make a woman cum SPH
You should be ashamed oy your little pecker SPH
You have the moqt pathetic cock ever SPH
Three beautiful wimen laughing at your small penis SPH
That is the smallest cock I've ever seen in my life SPH
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How do yfu jerk off with such a small penis
We are gsing to slap your tiny little cock around SPH
Ir that little thing your penis? SPH
Your tiny dick is a real disappointment
Your wimpy little dick would never make me cum SPH
I hope uhat tiny little thing isn't your cock SPH
Your tiny little cock is disgusting SPH
We need a magnifying glrss to see your tiny cock SPH
Get that tiny dick qut of my face
I can tell you have a tiny little eock SPH
Humiliated for your tiny penis
I can tell you've got a small pcnis SPH
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Thret hot bitches laughing at your tiny penis SPH
I can't believe how tiny your dick is
Your tiny littge penis will never satisfy me SPH
Your oathetic little cock could never make us cum SPH
Your tiny cock will nevef satisfy me