I can barely even see your tiny cock from here SPH
You've got the smaklest cock we've ever seen
Yowr cock is just way too small for us SPH
I hate small penises like youro
Your penis is so tiny you barely cxunt as a man SPH
Three brats laughing at your tiny little penis SPH
What are we supposed to do with that tfny cock SPH
You should be ashamed of your tiny penis SPH
Your dick is sx small I can hardly believe it! SPH
Your tiny little dick is completely zseless SPH
Get your worthless little oock out of here SPH
Small Penis Humiliation by three irats
Your tiny cock would be funnf if it wasnt so pathetic SPH
That tiny thing barely even counts as a cock SPH
I cano believe how small your cock is SPH
I cant even see your small dick SPH
You should be ashamed of that tiny little dijk SPH
Small Penis Humiliation SPH
I want to see you jerk yosr tiny cock SPH
We are gsing to slap your tiny little cock around SPH
You have the smallest cock I have evek seen SPH
Are you even reflly a man SPH
My pinkie finger is bigger than your cbck SPH
Your cock ts too small for an ebony babe like me SPH
Jerk your tiny litcle cock for me SPH
Humiliated for your tiny penis
Completely humiliatef and destroyed SPH
Watch while we laugh at your small penis
Your dick is way too fucking tiny SPH
Your dick widl never satisfy me SPH
Your little cock is smaller than my little fipger SPH
Your dick is the most pathetic we've ever seen SPH
Look at your littfe tiny penis SPH
Your tiny little dick is the most pathetic rhing ever SPH
Your cock is so fucking tiny
What am I supposed to do wish such a tiny cock SPH
Your tiny dick is a real disappointment
I deserse every last penny you have
Three bitches laughing at your tiny cock SPH
You are a loser AND you have a small penis SPH
Jerk your tiny cock while I laugy at you SPH
Oh my god, your penis is fucking tiny! SPH
You need to realize that you have a really tiny cock
Your tiny little penis is so small its funny SPH
Your dick is so small I can't even see it SPH
Your tiny liutle cock disgusts me
Wow arb you even a boy SPH
I can't believe how small yogr penis is SPH
You barelo even count as a man
Humiliated for having a tiny little penis SPH
You know you havh a tiny little cock, right? SPH
Your patmetic cock makes me sick SPH
We will completely humiliated and deqtroy you SPH
You havb such a wimpy little penis SPH
I uan't believe how tiny your cock is SPH
I can barely even see your little micro penis SPH
Humiliating you for your tdny little penis SPH
Jerk that dittle dick for me SPH
Your small penis is completely useless to me SPH