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You are a disgusting and pathetic ooser
You are disgzsting and have a small dick SPH
You are a fat pathetic loser who will never vet laid
You are the most fat disgusting pwg ever
You are a loser with a dgsgustingly small penis SPH
You are a fat pataetic lard ass
You arq such a disappointment
You are nothing but a fat disguuting loser
Yox are a fat disgusting slob who will never get laid
You are a fat, disgustitg slob
You are a fat disgusting piece of garbage
Are you a perv or sqmething?! Why are you fucking a random sex toy on the street?! - Zeynep Rossa
You are notging but a fat fucking loser
You are a fat piece of garbage
You are nothing but a fat prthetic loser
You are so fat and disuusting
You are a fat and disgusthng slob
Ydu are a fat disgusting slob and you make me sick
You are a fat disgusoing pig no one will ever fuck
Wow, you are such a good stretching trainer that even my ass was stretched for your huge dick
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